My First Album - HYE_OF_1 [52]
3poses smaller
My First Album - 3poses smaller [48]
My First Album - BeachBow750 [51]
My First Album - _BRU0020 [47]

Natasha Gunn

Aalsterweg 124a, Eindhoven, Netherlands

Connect with Me

Natasha Gunn Teaches

  • Flow Yoga
  • Alignment-Oriented Yoga
  • Spiritually-Oriented Yoga
  • Hot/Heated Yoga
  • Gentle Yoga



About Natasha Gunn

Yoga is a practice for mental and emotional health as much as physical and everyone can practice yoga in a way suitable for them.  Our needs change over time and we can adapt our yoga practice to support our spiritual growth.   Drawn to yoga to quiet my...

Yoga is a practice for mental and emotional health as much as physical and everyone can practice yoga in a way suitable for them.  Our needs change over time and we can adapt our yoga practice to support our spiritual growth.  

Drawn to yoga to quiet my mind and bring balance into my life,  I found it worked! I decided to teach yoga to help others access the same tools to improve their own well-being. Change takes time and is a an ongoing process and although everyone's path is unique. Here is part of my journey.

Transformative Yoga
My first yoga practice was in at Sai Mithra yoga centre in Amsterdam where the practice was gentle and focused on meditating on the chakras (energy centres). I followe Sai Mithra's 3-year training to become a teacher of transformative Yoga in 2006. In 2007, I started teaching a combination of yoga and meditation in Amsterdam’s Nieuw-west area to the local community.

Hot Yoga
In 2013, I completed the Hot Yoga Teacher Training at Absolute Yoga Academy. I liked working in the heat and the asana practice helped me to calm my mind as well as strengthening my body and giving me confidence.

Going with the flow

After teaching hot yoga at Forty Degrees hot yoga studio in Amsterdam for a few months, I decided to try the popular Astanga Vinyasa system as developed by P. Jois. This led me to practice Mysore style in Amsterdam. Early 2015, I completed a training at Delight yoga to deepen my understanding of the Astanga Primary series.

Trauma-sensitive Yoga
Of the many workshops and shorter trainings I have completed over the years a training on how to teach trauma-sensitive yoga has been impactful. In June 2015, I completed the Trauma Center Yoga Program training with David Emerson. Research carried out at the Trauma Center shows that yoga techniques can be adapted and used to support the well-being and transformation of people who have gone through deeply traumatizing experiences in their lives. 

 Vinyasa Krama Yoga -- going back to the source
In November and December 2015 I took a 100-hr advanced teacher training in Vinyasa krama with Srivatsa Ramaswami, a pupil of Krishnamacharya for over 30 years . As well as asana and vinyasas, we practiced pranayama (breathing exercises) and yoga for the internal organs. Overall this training focused on using yoga practices to address the specific needs of individuals. We studied the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali, which included an overview of the goal of (Kaivalya or spiritual freedom) and the means of attaining the goal as explained in the sutras, translated by Ramaswami, word by word, chapter by chapter. Then, in January 2018, I returned to India to follow Ramaswami Srivatsa's course in the ancient philosophical text, Samkhyakarika. I continue to train with Ramaswami Srivatsa when the opportunity arises. 

Yin yoga - a modern approach to a gentle practice
Yin yoga is becoming increasingly popular, and after practicing this totally different yoga style, which blends mindfulness, functional yoga, and where poses are held long and patiently to stress bones, ligaments, tendons in a healthy and regenerative way, I followed a Yin and Anatomy training with Anat Geiger and Marcel de Vis. 

Integrated approach to wellbeing with yoga

Yoga Therapy
In July 2019, I followed a professional training at 
Svastha Yoga to become a qualified yoga therapist.  This holistic approach to health and well-being works on several domains including movement, breathing, nutrition, relationships and connection, awareness, and meaning and purpose.  Combining the most effective aspects of traditional yoga and ayurveda combined with modern science this skill-based approach empowers you to take active steps to find balance and well-being in body and mind. Thanks to my teachers Gunter Neissen, and the Mohan family, led by medical doctor and master yoga teacher Ganesh Mohan. I qualifed as a yoga therapist in September 2023 and continue my lifelong studies and practice with the Mohan family and other great teachers working with Yoga Vahini in Chennai, India.

I currently teach Hot yoga, Flow yoga, Yin yoga and Vinyasa Krama Yoga at Hot Yoga Eindhoven and offer Yoga Therapy sessions and lead the teacher training programme at Awake yoga.


First Registered November 2013
6347 Teaching Hours
Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider

Teaching Experience


Awake Yoga and Hot Yoga Eindhoven

January 2014 - Current
Aalsterweg 124, 5615 CJ Eindhoven, Netherlands

Eigenwijks De Honingraat Slotermeerlaan 103F 1063 JN

July 2012 - January 2017
Slotermeerlaan 103,Amsterdam, Netherlands

Center Open Field

May 2015 - February 2016
Nassaustraat 32,Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands

Hotflow Yoga Jordaan

January 2015 - August 2015
Eerste Looiersdwarsstraat 17, 1016 VL Amsterdam, Netherlands

Forty Degrees Amsterdam

January 2014 - May 2014
Overtoom 62,Amsterdam, Netherlands
First Registered November 2013
6347 Teaching Hours
Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider YACEP® Profile 

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