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  • Community Class | Our Presence Has Purpose Open to everyone Online

    Rodrigo Souza
    JUL 31 2024
    12:00pm–1:00pm ET
    Celebrate Disability Pride Month and join our online seated adaptive and accessible yoga class. This event is Adaptive which means it will allow you to adapt all the movements to your own wonderful and unique body, and Accessible because it’s open to the entire community -- disabled and non-disabled folks alike. Disability both diminishes and magnifies, and we will wholeheartedly celebrate the diversity of the human experience. You'll be invited to inhabit your body gently and kindly through breath, movement, music, awareness, and meditation—a genuinely nourishing, intimate, embodied experience with your Self.

    Props: If you do not use a wheelchair to travel the World, we kindly ask you to show up with a sturdy chair and a few props.

    Everyone is welcome to attend, and we encourage you to invite your friends, family, and colleagues to participate in this event.

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