Completion of YTT - Chaturanga [82]
Knee Down Crescent
Completion of YTT - Knee Down Crescent [95]
Completion of YTT - Vrksasana [100]
Completion of YTT - Parsvottanasana [117]

Safiya Nawabzada

Connect with Me

Safiya Nawabzada Teaches

  • Flow Yoga
  • Alignment-Oriented Yoga
  • Fitness Yoga
  • Spiritually-Oriented Yoga
  • Hot/Heated Yoga
  • Gentle Yoga


Urdu, Hindi, Spanish, Arabic

About Safiya Nawabzada

Registered Yoga Teacher with The Yoga Alliance Integrity, Quality, Safety Specialized degree in Neurobiology. Integrating the nervous and skeletal system into a safe educational practice. Practicing yoga since 2010 Knowledgable on different branches of yoga and how to...

Registered Yoga Teacher with The Yoga Alliance

Integrity, Quality, Safety

Specialized degree in Neurobiology. Integrating the nervous and skeletal system into a safe educational practice.

Practicing yoga since 2010
Knowledgable on different branches of yoga and how to overcome physical difficulties

First Registered April 2020
First Registered April 2020

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