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Brooks Bhaktimaya Wilson

Playa Grande, Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica

Connect with Me

Brooks Bhaktimaya Wilson Teaches

  • Flow Yoga
  • Alignment-Oriented Yoga
  • Fitness Yoga
  • Spiritually-Oriented Yoga
  • Hot/Heated Yoga
  • Gentle Yoga
  • Specialty Yoga


English Español

About Brooks Bhaktimaya Wilson

 Website:  Email:  Cel: (+506) 8829-9939  Location:  Playa Grande, Costa Rica Born in Costa Rica and raised in Tamarindo Beach, Brooks grew up outdoors, climbing mango trees, fishing the...

Born in Costa Rica and raised in Tamarindo Beach, Brooks grew up outdoors, climbing mango trees, fishing the shores with hand lines, playing soccer, baseball, she was a life guard, and practiced competitive swimming and surfing. Brooks surfed professionally for over seven years. She represented Costa Rica around the world and became a Roxy Surf Team athlete. At the same time she was earning her bachelor degree at the University of Costa Rica and learning about yoga in Tamarindo. Although she does not compete anymore, Brooks is still a world class surfer and brings her own athletic technical skills to her yoga teachings.

Brooks was introduced to yoga by Mariel Marmorato, her first asanas teacher, who guided her practice for over a decade. In 2012, after eleven years of disciplined yoga practice, Brooks traveled to the Indian Himalayas to become a certified Yoga Alliance instructor with the Himalayan Yoga Institute. She was trained in the style of Rajadhiraja yoga from the lineage of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti. It was during her stay at the ashram that Ganga Devi, her beloved acharya, bestowed upon Brooks her spiritual name:

- Bhaktimaya Devi: one who is full of devotion and love for the Supreme.

In early 2013, Brooks “Bhaktimaya” Wilson began teaching in Costa Rica. In Fall 2013, at Ganga Devi’s request, Brooks returned to the ashram in India as an assistant during a twenty-one day instructor training course. Here, her passion for Rajadhiraja yoga grew even more, thus increasing her will to share this classical form of yoga with the Western world upon her return home.

In February 2016 Bhaktimaya Devi traveled to Auroville, India to complete a 300 hour advanced yoga teacher training course with Ganga Devi. She is now 500 RYT certified.

Brooks' yoga training background includes numerous hours in workshops about:
- Rajadhiraja
- Restorative
- Hatha
- Flow
- Vinyasa
- Power

She also has experience teaching various forms of yoga such as:
- Biomechanics
- Doshas
- Chakras
- Anusara yoga
- Iyengar yoga
- And others...

Brooks is able to guide her classes and each individual student in the correct alignment and flow of breath during each pose. She can provide suggestions for modifications or the use of props when needed, in case of previous injuries or restrictions of the practitioner's body. This direction, combined with a philosophical approach woven into her artistic sequencing creates an inspiring environment for anyone who is either a current practitioner or new to yoga. Brooks sees all teachers as a medium for people to detach from being stagnant and embrace the blessing of consciously evolving.

“You are never alone or helpless. 
The force that guides the stars, guides you too.”
- Shrii Shrii Anandamurti

First Registered May 2013
First Registered May 2013

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