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Echo Kang

Yoga Journey, 敦化南路1段 Songshan District, Taipei, Taiwan

Connect with Me

Echo Kang Teaches

  • Flow Yoga
  • Alignment-Oriented Yoga
  • Fitness Yoga
  • Spiritually-Oriented Yoga
  • Hot/Heated Yoga
  • Gentle Yoga
  • Specialty Yoga


Mandarin, English

About Echo Kang

Echo Kang is a Yoga Alliance e-RYT 500 instructor.  She offers Yoga Teacher Training, CE Training, Kirtan and yoga retreats.  She is teaching public classes in Yoga Journey Taipei as well as private lessons for individuals & for the corporates. She teaches...

Echo Kang is a Yoga Alliance e-RYT 500 instructor.  She offers Yoga Teacher Training, CE Training, Kirtan and yoga retreats.  She is teaching public classes in Yoga Journey Taipei as well as private lessons for individuals & for the corporates. She teaches Ashtanga, vinyasa, Hatha, Nada, Meditation, Pranayama, Kirtan, Pre-natal, Yin and Restorative, Yoga Wheel, Aerial Yoga. 

Echo 為美國瑜珈聯盟最高 e-RYT500 師資認證老師,瑜珈雙語教學經驗 10 年,曾在 Pure Yoga 專任 4 年,現任 Yoga Journey 正職 3 年。Echo 感恩每日瑜珈的生活與練習,感恩這一路上所有教導她的老師、朋友及學生,給予她成長的機會!瑜珈帶給她的啟發與療效,讓她得以回饋分享瑜珈的好給更多的朋友與有緣人。

Echo在瑜珈會館教授阿斯坦加Ashtangar , 核心流動Core Vinyasa, 㝠想 Meditation, 生命呼吸法 Pranayama, 陰 Yin, 修復瑜珈 Restorative Yoga, 瑜珈輪 yoga Wheel, 空中瑜珈 Aerial Yoga, 椅子瑜珈 Chair Yoga, 孕婦瑜珈 Pre-natal, 骨盆瑜珈 Pelvic floor yoga, 梵唱靜心 Bhakti yoga & kirtan.

Echo 近年教學資歷

1. Yoga Journey | 2019~ now

2. Pure Yoga | 2015~2019

3. Core Yoga | 2012~ 2015

4. True Yoga | 2012~ 2015

5. 天母體育大學 瑜珈老師  | 2012~ 2015 

6. 林口長庚醫院 瑜珈講座老師 |2019

7. 蘇美島 Centered Yoga|Samahita Retreat 瑜珈營老師

8. 台東陽光佈居 瑜珈營老師

Echo 近年師資資歷

1. 核心流動與生命能量呼吸法師訓 RYT300 小時

2. 骨盆照護瑜珈師資訓練

3. 紐約瑜珈輪Dharma Yoga Wheel 師資培訓

4. 空中瑜珈 Anti-gravity 師資培訓

5. 阿斯坦珈&生命能量呼吸法師訓 RYT200 小時

6. Doug Keller療癒師訓

7. 梵唱靜心修習

First Registered February 2021
Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider

Teaching Experience


Yoga Journey

February 2019 - Current
Yoga Journey
敦化南路1段 Songshan District, Taipei, Taiwan

Pure Yoga Taipei

February 2015 - January 2019
Taiwan, 台北市 Da’an District, 忠孝東路
First Registered February 2021
Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider YACEP® Profile 

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