Photos - Blankets [81]
Photos - Headstand.PNG [89]
Photos - forearmbalance [88]
garden path location
Photos - garden path location [84]

Jacqi Martin

Burlington, WA 98233, USA

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About Jacqi Martin

I have always been a firm believer that the healthy choice should be the easy, and available, choice. I started providing free or low cost community yoga classes in partnership with local health departments, parks and recreation departments, and even community colleges....

I have always been a firm believer that the healthy choice should be the easy, and available, choice. I started providing free or low cost community yoga classes in partnership with local health departments, parks and recreation departments, and even community colleges.

When COVID-19 first started to encourage us all to stay home and many of our typical activities were not available, I began offering classes for local friends. I soon realized I could expand this offering to any person who wanted to attend.

 I wanted to give something in a time when it seemed there was so much being taken away. I want to keep this going by providing free virtual classes on Sundays. With the free Sunday virtual classes, I invite everyone into my home- mess, puppies, and all- to show that no matter how crazy life gets, we can all fit in yoga. I have a career Monday through Friday so I share the benefits of yoga when I can and try to do so with an open and lighthearted approach.

I wanted to remove the financial barriers of yoga first, as well as addressing the COVID restriction barriers. Yoga has an immeasurable number of benefits and I never want price to be a barrier. I prefer to have people invest any money on good, durable, and sustainable yoga mats and props. Yes, I said props. Good blocks, bolsters, blankets, and even chairs are important in your practice.

First Registered August 2020

Teaching Experience


Online Yoga Classes

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North Port Yoga

June 2014 - December 2015
First Registered August 2020

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