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Pawan Patni

Hotel Guru Residency, Near Ayurpak, Tapovan, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India

Connect with Me

Pawan Patni Teaches

  • Flow Yoga
  • Alignment-Oriented Yoga
  • Fitness Yoga
  • Spiritually-Oriented Yoga
  • Hot/Heated Yoga
  • Gentle Yoga
  • Specialty Yoga


English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Mandarin, Garhwali, kumaoni, Punjabi

About Pawan Patni

Pawan Patni is a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) with Yoga Alliance, which acknowledges the completion of a yoga teacher training with a Registered Yoga School (RYS). He has started practicing yoga in very childhood and age of 12 went to Darshan Mahavidyalaya to learn Sanskrit...

Pawan Patni is a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) with Yoga Alliance, which acknowledges the completion of a yoga teacher training with a Registered Yoga School (RYS).
He has started practicing yoga in very childhood and age of 12 went to Darshan Mahavidyalaya to learn Sanskrit Language, Tradition Hindu Litreture and yoga. In 2014 he has graduated with Bachelors degree in sanskrit language from Sampurnananda Sanskrit University. Later in 2016 completed his master degree in yoga & Alternative th*rap*ies from P.G.College (Rishikesh). He use to learn and also teach yoga to various yoga schools in rishikesh at the same time. 2018 He went to china to spread the knowledge of yoga. He also established a yoga school ISHA YOGASHALA in 2019. He is keep teaching the real yoga to different parts of world and making people Healthy and Happy.

First Registered August 2019
Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider

Teaching Experience



October 2018 - Current
Hengda Dijing, Shanda Road, Lixia
Jinan, Shandong, China

Sheetal college of bio medical science

August 2016 - August 2018
Sheetal College City Office, Ashutosh Nagar
Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India
First Registered August 2019
Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider YACEP® Profile 

Yoga Alliance is a nonprofit 501(c)(6). Yoga Alliance Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3). This website refers to the two organizations as "Yoga Alliance." Copyright 2024 Yoga Alliance. Yoga Alliance, the Yoga Alliance logo, RYS, RYT, and YACEP are registered marks with the USPTO and other jurisdictions.

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