My First Album - IMG_9850 [255]
My First Album - IMG_9806 [336]
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My First Album - IMG_9728 [267]


Carrer de na Jordana, Valencia, Spain

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  • Flow Yoga
  • Spiritually-Oriented Yoga


English, Spanish, Romanian


Cosmin Iancu was born in Romania in 1976, immigrated to Canada, and has been established in Valencia, Spain since 2010. Cosmin had his first encounter with yoga more than 20 years ago in a place and time when everything related to spirituality was prohibited. During his...

Cosmin Iancu was born in Romania in 1976, immigrated to Canada, and has been established in Valencia, Spain since 2010. Cosmin had his first encounter with yoga more than 20 years ago in a place and time when everything related to spirituality was prohibited. During his youth, he practiced martial arts and meditation in search of his life's purpose, for his dharma. His mother-in-law, Umadevi, an established yoga teacher and spiritual guide, introduced him to the practice of various yogic techniques to help liberate him from all health problems, drug abuse and addiction, which haunted Cosmin for years. To overcome all his weaknesses, Cosmin took the decision to dedicate completely to the yogic practice, leaving his architect job in favor of spiritual development. He studied different yoga styles with well-known teachers. On the yogic path he met Bhooma Chaitanya in Dharamsala, India, who introduced him to the traditional teachings and practices of yoga. An autodidact with passion for the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, Cosmin found inspiration by practicing alone from books and videos, and soon started to attend various workshops with internationally known senior teachers such as David Williams, Chuck Miller, Peter Sanson and Kristina Karitinou, among others. He is forever grateful for having the opportunity to meet and train with Sri Manju Pattabhi Jois, and after years of intense and dedicated practice, in 2017, Cosmin received his blessings to teach the practice to others. Having the opportunity to do so, he joined Manju´s courses and Teacher Trainings, enjoying practicing with his master while keeping a dedicated daily sadhana to this day. Already established as a Hatha yoga teacher, Cosmin started to teach Ashtanga in Valencia, Spain in 2012, being the first teacher in the whole Valencian Community to offer traditional Ashtanga practice. Starting in 2015, Cosmin had the opportunity to work as a volunteer in the Picassent Prison Yoga Program helping inmates overcome prison life hardships through a steady yogic practice, an experience that helped him to grow as a teacher and as a student of life. Each year Cosmin travels around the world teaching at festivals and in different shalas, dedicating his life to yoga teaching and daily sadhana in the traditional style of Ashtanga yoga as passed to him by his guru, offering all his efforts for the benefit of all beings. Harih Om.

First Registered May 2017
Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider
First Registered May 2017
Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider YACEP® Profile 

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