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Tapovan Vatika, Tapovan, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India

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  • Alignment-Oriented Yoga
  • Spiritually-Oriented Yoga
  • Gentle Yoga
  • Specialty Yoga


English, Hindi


ABOUT ANAND BODHISATTVA   The Journey…   Anand Bodhisattva, known to his students and followers as “ Bodhisattva,”  is a long-time spiritual seeker, an experienced meditation master from India. He has dedicated his life over 24 years to inner journey and...



The Journey…


Anand Bodhisattva, known to his students and followers as “Bodhisattva,” is a long-time spiritual seeker, an experienced meditation master from India. He has dedicated his life over 24 years to inner journey and consciousness growth through various forms of meditation, yoga, and yoga nidra practices from many prominent spiritual traditions, paths, and schools. 


Over the years, Anand Bodhisattva has received extensive training in higher yogic practices under the guidance of many Indian and western meditation masters. His inner journey, practices and teachings are mainly influenced by the teachings of ancient masters like Patanjali, Buddha, Krishna, Kabir, and contemporary masters like Osho, Gurdjieff, Krishnamurti.


Early Age & The Search…


From an early age, he was asking questions regarding the meaning and purpose of life and was not satisfied with the quality of life lived in general. His interest in a deeper meaning in life and the right way of living pushed him to look for different ways to discover the truth. The inner confusion and lack of proper answers from the outside led him towards the inner journey. His search for spiritual awakening became stronger while he was pursuing his professional carrier of accountancy. He has traveled and lived in various meditation, yoga ashrams across India in search of truth, peace, joy in life, and acquire a deeper practical understanding of the science of meditation, yoga, and spiritual journey.


Apart from his long journey of meditation and mindfulness practices, he has spent many years in different Indian ashrams for the study of Hatha yoga, Bhakti yoga, Vedanta philosophy, and the Art of living. His passion for healing and wellness of oneself also led him to the study & practice of Yoga therapy, Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Reiki through many training programs & courses to understand the essence of alternative healing science. With all the knowledge gained, he became an expert in Ayurvedic cooking and has developed a mastery in introducing delicious sattvic ayurvedic foods in his Ashram.



Teachings & Philosophy…


After his long search in the spiritual journey, he founded the Yoga Essence Ashram in Rishikesh India to share the universal wisdom of yoga, meditation, and a quality lifestyle. Yoga Essence runs under his direct guidance and vision to help seekers around the globe for self-transformation, holistic-mindful living, and consciousness growth. He imparts the yogic science in its purest forms that allow his students to dive deeper into an experiential, transformational journey by breaking many deep-rooted conditionings, obsessive thought patterns, negative emotions, and false images of life.


Anand Bodhisattva integrates the ancient wisdom of yogic science with the contemporary modern scientific developments to make his teachings more life-oriented, all-inclusive, and suitable for the contemporary time. He helps and encourages his students to get the knack of a holistic, equanimous, peaceful life through the insights and techniques of yogis, masters, mystics of all the time. His teachings invoke for a deeper self-transformation and self-actualization by opening up to the experiences of higher freedom, love, compassion, courage, creativity.


Spirituality & Vision…


According to Anand Bodhisattva, Spirituality is a true alchemy for the transformation and expansions of life. For him, inner journey and spirituality open up to actualize one’s unique potentials and allow him to live life without any limitations.  It leads one to experience and understand life in its full depth and dimensions by enhancing greater human values such as love, compassion, peace, and joy. He feels, spirituality develops a deep sense of oneness and belonging to the whole universe as one organic unity. His vision is to spread the truth, joy, freedom, love, and oneness for the humanity.

Anand Bodhisattva is well known for his authentic approach towards yogic science and how to use the inner science in everyday life.  He sees yogic science offers huge techniques to experience the transcendental state of consciousness and to know Who am I? For him, the life is a great opportunity to explore the unknown dimensions for the truth, expansion of consciousness and integrated living. His long search and experience inspired him to develop many new meditation practices for the modern man and also systematically presenting the ancient yogic techniques in a way that can be suitable the contemporary lifestyle. He is simply an invitation to explore your own authentic-self, manifestation of your unique potentials and experience your true-nature. His presence can be an inspiration for your own inner journey and spiritual quest. His teachings, practices, presence have to be experienced, imbibed, and lived.



“I wish the melody of meditation and yoga will enrich your life for an integrated, joyful, and peaceful living.” Love Anand Bodhisattva.



“Path of Yoga is the Path of Wisdom.

Seek Experience, not Information.

Seek Wisdom not Knowledge.

You will hold the True Essence of Yoga.”

~ Anand Bodhisattva

First Registered July 2017
Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider
First Registered July 2017
Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider

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