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Hari Om Yoga Vidya School | Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, Paidal Marg, Tapovan

Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India

Types of Yoga Taught

Flow Yoga

Alignment-Oriented Yoga

Fitness Yoga

Spiritually-Oriented Yoga

Gentle Yoga

Specialty Yoga

Trainings Formats

usually intensive/immersion

spread out over time

several, shorter immersions

trainees stay on-site

trainees commute to the program

Destination / retreat




Namaste and Welcome!! to our "HARI OM YOGA VIDYA SCHOOL". It is located in the heart of the sacred township of Rishikesh at the foothills of the Himalayas in the bank of river mother Ganga. Since time immemorial, the Himalayas have been the shrine for countless sages and...

Namaste and Welcome!! to our "HARI OM YOGA VIDYA SCHOOL". It is located in the heart of the sacred township of Rishikesh at the foothills of the Himalayas in the bank of river mother Ganga. Since time immemorial, the Himalayas have been the shrine for countless sages and saints. They unfolded the mystery of life within and without and passed their knowledge to their disciples. Our "HARI OM YOGA VIDYA SCHOOL" finds its roots in this ancient lineage of yogis.

The initial purpose of the school is to provide every human being with yogic wisdom for awakening the divine flame within and its goal is to facilitate the students to become masters of Yoga and meditation. The source of our knowledge of yoga can be traced to the Vedas and its following texts and traditions such as Patanjali's yoga-sutras, Swatmarama's Hatha-yoga-pradipika and Gheranda Samhita - The school doesn't hesitate to closely associate with the present traditions of Yoga and related sciences and modern science of Yoga. 

One of the meanings of the word “HARI” is Lord Vishnu, the second in the trinity of Lords; Brahma, Vishnu Shiva. Lord Vishnu serves as a preserving principle in the panda, the body, and the Universe. It is rightly said in an ancient saying that the body is the foremost of instruments to do and live virtuously in life; "SHARIRA ADYAM KHALU DHARMA-SADHANAM." The next word is "OM" which refers to the highest vibration or the most powerful sound. This sound elevates the levels of awareness in mind and assists the students to dissolve into Supreme Consciousness. The meaning of "YOGA" is equanimity. .  Union of body, breath mind on the manifest level. Yet beyond it refers to the state of Oneness where individual Being, individual Soul, and Supreme, limitless Soul are One. "VIDYA" Supreme knowledge.

Through the physical body, through gaining awareness of the energies that manifest in our bodies, and through the practice of tuning into OM, supreme sound; and through gaining the highest knowledge, we will aim at being able to reach the highest state of uniting with the supreme soul….the Divinity that we are.

Yoga is the journey Of the self, To the self and Through the self.

Hari Om Yoga Vidya School

Rishikesh, India


Namaste 🙏 💚 💙 🙏 💜 💛 🙏 💖 It is a great pleasure for us to connect with you. With humble respect, we are warmly welcoming 🌺 you to join us as a small Global Yoga Family. Thank you so much for showing interest in our school, we are very honored and excited to have you join our Hari Om family in the sacred place of Yoga City Rishikesh, Himalayas. Here you will have the opportunity to learn and share from our Yoga masters and your fellow students in our small and family-like Yoga School.

The 200-hour program runs every month from the 2nd until the 29th and we would love to have you with us.

Highlights of the teaching Subjects 200Hrs curriculum:

✔️Mantra (Mantra Chanting) - Om chanting, Guru Mantras, Meal prayers, Gayatri Mantra, Hatha Yoga Mantra, Astanga Vinyas Mantra, Surjya Namaskara Mantra, Shanti Mantra, and more.

✔️Satkriya (Cleaning) - Jala Neti, Sutra Neti, Kunjala and Trataka

✔️Asana (Classical Postures)Traditional way of Teaching by following 6steps-1.Centering, 2.Entering,3.Refining,4.Holding,5. Come out,6. Reflection,  Surya Namaskar(Sun Salutations), Modifications, Postural alignment, Avoid Common injuries, Counter Pose, Contraindications, and Benefits.

✔️Astanga Vinyas flow – Dristi, Bandha, Surjya Namaskara A, Surjya Namaskara B, Standing Series, Siting Series, Finishing Series,  .

✔️Kundalini Yoga – Theory & Kriyas

✔️Pranayam(Expansion of Vital Energy), Introduction, Benefits, Pranayam sitting postures, Basic breathing methods, Types of Pranayam - Nadi Shodhana pranayama (with 1:1 and 1:2 with inhalation: exhalation), Ujjayee, Kapalabhati Kriya, Bhastrika, Shitali and Shitkari, Brahmari, Anuloma Viloma, Suryabedhi Pranayama, Guidelines for Pranayam.

✔️Bandhas - Jalandhara Bandha (Chin lock), Uddiyana Bandha (Abdominal lock), and Moola Bandha (Perineal lock).

✔️Mudras - Jnana Mudra,Chin Mudra, Dyan Mudra and more.

✔️Practice Relaxation and Yoga Nidra - Tension Relaxation, Systematic Relaxation, 31 Relaxation, 61 points  Relaxation as Preparation For Yoga Nidra.

✔️Meditation - Introduction about Meditation, Meditation in daily life, Sitting positions for Meditation, 2mn Meditations or short meditations are effective, SoHum Mediation, 16steps of Basic Meditation, Regular practice of basic Meditation and Mantra Japa.

✔️Yoga Philosophy - General Introduction: Six School of Indian Philosophy, Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Sankhya, Bhagawata Gita, 5Kosha, 5Prana Ethics & Yogic Teachings In Modern Living

✔️Teaching Methodology & Home work - Lesson Plan, Assignments, Practice Teaching, Feed Back, Group discussion, Question & Answer, Home Work.


What is the structures of the day?
Our intense daily schedule of 200Hrs looks like this, 7 to 8Hrs classes every day
05:30 AM Wake Up
06:30 – 08:00 AM Ashtanga Vinyasa & Alignment Class
08:30 – 09:30 AM Breakfast
10:30 – 11:30 AM Kundalini Yoga
12:00 – 01:00 PM Pranayama Mudra Bandha Class
01:00 – 02:00 PM Lunch
02:30 – 03:30 PM Meditation, Mantra Chant Classes
04:00 – 05:00 PM Yoga Philosophy Class
05:30 – 07:00 PM Hatha & Alignment Class
07:00 – 08:00 PM Dinner
08:00 – 09:00 PM Assignments, Home Work
09:00 PM Go to Sleep * Schedule is subject to change.

Highlights of your journey included in our program:

·      Fire Carmony (Hawan) as Inauguration Program

·      26 days of intense Yoga Classes  🧘🏽‍♀️

·      7Hrs  to 8Hrs classes Every day – Day will be on Yoga Mat

·      28Days of accommodation 🛏️

·      Course duration- 2nd- arrival- to 29th- the departure of each month

·      3 delicious vegetarian 🍲 meals per day

·      Accommodation with  Garden 🏡

·      Room with private bathroom 🚿 🚽

·      200-Hours RYT Yoga Alliance Certification

·      Free Airport pick up 🚘 from Dehradun Airport  

·      Yoga mat and props and other Yoga Equipment

·      Studying Materials 📚

·      Indian cooking classes

·      Himalayan excursion ⛰️ and local excursion of Rishikesh

·      Cultural Program in the closing ceremony

·      Tons of love! 💖 💜 💛 💚 💙

Our experienced team will make sure that you get only the best teaching methods and accommodation during your stay.

We wish to hear from you very soon. If you have any questions , please feel free to ask us, we will be happy to answer you.

Welcome again to the Hari Om Yoga Family,  Have a great blissful Day. 🌈Wishing you all the joy and happiness in the world!! 🌈

Namaste!!! 🙏 💚 💙 🙏 💜 💛 🙏 💖                                                                                                                                           Pramod Sahoo,                                                                                                        HariOm YogaVidya School,                                                                                    Rishikesh, India
Mob +91 8171672711
Hariom Yoga Vidya School, At- Aviral Ganga, Laxman Jhula Paidal Marg, Tapovan, 
Rishikesh, Uttarakhand 249192

Arise! Awake! And stop not until the GOAL is REACHED. 

Swami Vivekananda..


First Registered November 2014

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First Registered November 2014

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