
Abode Yoga


Based on 11 reviews

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40 Yarrong Road, Point Lookout QLD, Australia

Types of Yoga Taught

Flow Yoga

Alignment-Oriented Yoga

Spiritually-Oriented Yoga

Gentle Yoga

Specialty Yoga

Trainings Formats

usually intensive/immersion

spread out over time

several, shorter immersions

trainees stay on-site

trainees commute to the program

Destination / retreat

About ABODE - Ayurvedic Yoga Healers School Australia

Abode Yoga and its Practice, founded and created by Randall Simpson. Our key focus is “Bringing spirituality into every day living , and everyday living into spirt”. Empowering intuitive self-awareness and spiritual understanding of our unique soulful truths, our...

Abode Yoga and its Practice, founded and created by Randall Simpson.

Our key focus is “Bringing spirituality into every day living , and everyday living into spirt”. Empowering intuitive self-awareness and spiritual understanding of our unique soulful truths, our hearts needs, planetary alignment and wellbeing. This is an Ayurevdic Yoga Training. Therefore we are strong in self practice development and understanding merging with your intuitive teaching practice to create a unified relationship with yoga as your chosen pathway to delight in daily. This is cultivated through living this during our training retreat, including the philosophical and practical elements of each of the 8 limbs of Yoga. 

We choose to hold the sacred space for humanity to remember who they already are. Supporting all to have the courage to creatively choose and communicate from the inside out, their unique inner offering. We feel we can all experience what we love, for the love of it, with ease and grace. We believe we are here to be, to experience, to love and create through choice. May you learn the way of your hearts practice that aligns this into being.

We hold space for intimate groups with 8 students maximum to allow 1 on 1 experiences with our 5 specialist teachers and practitioners. We also feels this creates quality receiving of teachings that solidify a more intuitive, well rounded practitioner and teacher. Each student teaches a minimum of 5 hours with personalised feedback and guidance  during the last week of the training, as well as teaching experiences throughout the course from day 1 to ensure a well-developed teaching practice is cultivated. Our choice of intimate groups enables transparent connection and true relationship to grow into form, providing a rich foundational home for shifting to happen on a deeper level.

We offer a nourishing yoga experience that travels the inner communication thread that allows union to be and relationship to happen. It specialises in the art of strengthen intuition, developing true self, body wisdom, soul honouring and being untangle, so we can embody our nature to navigate our life with loving integrity. We hold space for you to navigate your imbalances, conditions, fears and resistances, allowing you the clarity to choose to liberate yourself to feel into who you are as a human being. 

Our teacher training and self practice courses are a divine immersion designed without limitation, based on enlightened teachings and practice styles that enable you to travel this journey through the nature of Abode Yoga. 

Each journey enhances your consciousness, life presence, and awareness of you, others, and your surroundings.The teachings will sensitize and evolve your ability to share yoga, wellness, and mind-body balancing authentically with heartfelt grace as you transform through the art, study, humanity, and psychology of Abode Yoga, founded by Reiki Master, Yoga Teacher Trainer & Spiritual Counsellor Randall Simpson. 

For us, yoga is a humane way of living and that practice can be done through the body. Below is  a small insight into Abode Yoga and the relationship it intends to open through the heart of humanity. 

Abode Yoga meaning “A place of residence and union,”  Therefore, this journey can be understood as finding a sense of belonging through the waves of light consciousness and mindset in self, through the ocean of life, that is forever continuing and forever moving. Abode Yoga is a fluid Practice & Philosophy using our SELFs' unique moving psychology through every movement and asana.The practice of Abode Yoga is the creative expression of who we truly are in communication through every dimension that allows us to be. These threads can come together and effortlessly be moved through body, mind, and spirit to shift us into our true alignment with the natural life elements within to unify with the manifested ones existing in our current way of life on the planet.

Abode Yoga harmonizes and reconnects our sacred being, therefore counteracting the dimensional instability we may have created within our life causing imbalance.

Through the essential self to raise love and compassion, the worthy life frequency to experience, which flows from divine creative intelligence from our divine heart.

Knowing about the content of yoga, is not knowing the essence yoga, we hope to provide conscious presence that will allow you to awaken to be one with its essence and align through it to share & offer our planet present yoga.

"Practice for you, as you, through you sacred heart". 

Our Teacher Training is an immersion into the practice and form of Abode Yoga. Each day you experience Abode Yoga as a living practice, whilst learning how to share this with others through the methods of a teaching guide and wellbeing practitioner.

Each experience has been designed to help engage and understand the real life of yoga and how it can ignite our sacred way to living on and off the mat.

Daily offering Schedule:

This is always relevant to the given seasonal influence, honouring the Ayurveda health system, yin and yang elements for a nourishing way of living throughout your Yoga journey.

Below is a general guideline and each course present a unique style of daily offering to reflect the needs of the level of course practice.

5:15am - Ceremonial Tea & Connective Communications

5:45 am – Devotion (practice/teachings) and Abode Yoga Asana Practice

7:30 am – Mysore (guidance/questions and self Practice)

8:00 am -  Breakfast

9:00 am – Mindfulness/Journaling

9:45 am – Pranayama/ Breath and Body Work (practice/teachings)

10:30 am – Workshop/Lecture (Theory/Learning)

12:00 pm – Lunch

1:30 pm – Conscious  (Practice/Teachings)

2:00pm – 4:30pm Workshop/Lecture (Theory/Learning)

4:30 pm – Tea Break

5pm – 6pm – Meditation/Kriya/Dance (Practice/Teachings)

Our standard is that Abode Yoga Teaching graduates will have a conscious human life and living awareness with a strong understanding and level of confidence in the learnings and art of mindfulness.

This way we are ensuring that our teachers and practitioners can be successful in creating mindful classes and practices of Abode Yoga for their clients and or students.

Through Abode Yoga Teacher Training you are not simply learning to teach a class, but rather a practice and form of yoga to allow for a unified way of life for individuals inwardly and outwardly. This is to ensure that we are not continuing the pattern of separation of life but the integration of Yoga and Wellbeing as a way of life. 

Throughout our training and a continual network of accredited teachers and practitioners, we are always committed to the healthy relationship of care, service, confidentiality and levels of ability through maintaining relevant credentials and monitoring of all content, teachings and standards for all of our practicing professionals. 

Abode Yoga as a practice and form incorporates the 8 limbs, the self help guide to overcoming the 5 main sources of suffering according to ancient yoga traditions from the east by Patanjali.

Expect to learn to begin the  invoking of a deeper sense of belonging with you and your practice on the mat, whilst curating a greater sense of self and life off your mat. This journey provides the space to become a guide in self and your own yoga practice. 

As Yoga is a balancing movement and a pathway back to self, this training gives you the opportunity to experience this as well as provide you with the insight and solid foundation to teach and share such learning's with others.

Through this life study and a transformative journey, you will become a guide in self and lifestyle health that offers authentic teachings with great teaching methodology, presence and ethics.

Teaching is an art form in itself and this is identified and is given focus throughout this Yoga Teacher Training, without taking away the essence of yoga being a living experience.

In yoga, you are always learning and this teacher training believes this is the micromirror of life learning itself. Therefore we enable the opportunity for a healthy life long learner to emerge that holds its own sense of “guru”, which in essence is a spiritual teacher.

This teacher training’s philosophy holds high value for this balancing act, of a spiritual life learner and teacher, should firstly be for our own self and life.

Abode Yoga as a style helps you to find this sense of self, so you are not just travelling back there to such a place, you are residing within it, so it continues to travel with you. If you think about the saying “I am home when I am with you” this is a space, a place within, a sense of belonging.

Naturally, this is you, you are your home and you can be living this no matter where you travel or chose to live, be it destination or situations within your life’s journey.

Abode Yoga knows the balance of mind, body and soul, yet it enables you something more, the gift of knowing the spirit and feeling your own unique vibration level.

Spirit is defined as “cellular energetic” the DNA that is unique to you, that holds the key to who you are, and what you are capable of being, without dishonoring the many life cycles you have experienced (and life cycles are simply moments of transition.

There is no time limit, every breath is an example of this life cycle, some may just last a little longer than others and feel a little more challenging)

This is the perfect travelling experience to not just make a change, but to accept who you are, love on this and go deeper into this through the art movement of yoga, that you can transfer to other areas of your life.

You will shift, you will grow and you will come alive in the life of you for life with others and surroundings environment.

The Abode Yoga Purpose

Abode  Yoga  is a purpose of Yoga through Asana, not simply the asana based teaching of Yoga.

It is a practice of Yoga, under the  Nature of Reiki & Cosmic Body Work, which are modalities of Energetics, Conscious Art Balance & Awakening, for life to flow naturally with ease. 

You will be taught through moving self's psychological teachings, conscious self awareness methodology with a mindful approach that is individually focused, to provide pathways for you to experience and evolve as well as be able to share with others in a class manner or 1 on 1 specific session. 

It is through  the process of this practice that you will learn to engage the energetic body with the physical body to align the mind, body, and spirit. The Abode Yoga Practices'  foundation is based upon Yoga Psychology, Reiki , Mind body health & Self Health Education. This includes establishing a relationship with your chakras, koshas, anatomy & physicology within your Asana Practice.

This is achieved through movement, that is connected by the breath, and is communicated through sound and music to allow you to speak the language of the internal self.

Learning and feeling the Reiki  is a way we explore the pain body, body systems and energy flow to deepen your understanding in the processes of pain management; reducing stress, anxiety, and depression; and facilitating the body’s natural process.

Abode Yoga utilizes the  principles of energy and its psychology to enable a deep understanding and connection with the whole body and its various dimensions.

The movements of the body release negative energy and cultivate positive energy and can help guide you to enable you to create your own individual form of nurturing life practice though movement. 

Abode Yoga Asana incorporates Yogic Mind-Body disciplines & Astrological Movement Psychology. The physical postures and series of movements in Abode Yoga Asana are based on the idea that movement has meaning.

In Abode Yoga, each movement or posture that we create not only affects our physical body but also has a mental, emotional, and energetic significance.

Each Abode Yoga series incorporates yoga asana, movements, breath work, imagery and meditative practices in order to connect the whole body, stimulate positive energy, and increase overall wellbeing.

Each Abode Yoga session is created with the intention of releasing specific negative energies/thoughts/emotions and cultivating positive ones in their place.

Abode Yoga as its own practice and form that unfolds through our philosophical & spiritual touch, through a 7 dimensional pathway derived from the LEAF Mindset Channel, a sociological based living self & life guide continuum, created by founder Randall Simpson, using 4 directions of life to liberate the individual out of the 5 main causes of suffering with human being.

In Abode Yoga we use the body as a tool to these sufferings through all 5 layers of our being, to find a home, within all four seasons of life in love.

We ensure each practice and form of AbodeYoga is taught, experienced & practiced reflecting our core nature  “Of Source, Without Force” Which withholds 3 aspects; human being care, nurture and  love.

Although Abode  Yoga has specific objectives, it never loses its sense of fun and freedom. You are encouraged to be creative with your movements so that they truly express your personal style and unique qualities. 

Abode Yoga Asana enhances physical alignment and self-adjusting progression that is all-inclusive & is suited for individuals of all ages and capabilities. The movements are designed to progress levels of inner and outer strength, flexibility, openness, in a safe and effective manner.

Abode Yoga Teachers are trained in how to modify movements for people with different levels of nature and the expressive exercises are designed to help you enhance overall wellbeing and correct imbalances caused by lifestyle choices & stresses.

Abode  Yoga as a practice and form incorporates the 8 limbs, the self help guide to overcoming the 5 main sources of suffering according to ancient yoga traditions from the east by Patanjali.

8 limbs

Yamas – awareness and dealings with the world around

Niyamas – awareness and dealings with ourself

Asana – Awareness and dealings with our body

Pranayama – Awareness and dealings with our breath

Pratyahara – Awareness and dealings with our senses

Daharana – concentration

Dhyana – Meditation

Samadhi – The absolute – inner freedom and peace

5 Causes of Suffering ( Kleshas)

Avidya – (ignorance) – this is the misconception of our true reality, believing that the temporary is eternal, the impure is pure, and a pleasure to be painful. This is a false representation root of the 4 other causes of suffering.

Asmita – ( I – am – ness) is the identification of ourselves with our ego. We create a self image of ourselves that we believe is us, but it is not us.

This self image can contain both external ( I am poor) and internal (I am a bad person)  false projections. We become trapped with the projections we have created of our life.

Raga – ( attachment) is the attraction for things that bring satisfaction to oneself. Our desire to pleasurable experiences creates mindless actions and blind sighted vision.

When we can not obtain what we desire, we suffer. When we do obtain what we desire, our feeling of pleasure soon fades and we begin our search for pleasure again, becoming trapped in an endless cycle.

Dvesha – (repulsion) is the opposite to raga, aversion towards things that produce unpleasant experiences. If we cannot avoid the things we dislike, we suffer. Even thinking about unpleasant experiences produces suffering.

Abhinivesha – (Will to Live)  - Is the deepest and most universal klesha, remaining with us until our deaths. We know that one day we will indeed die, yet our fear of death is deeply buried in our unconscious.

In The Abode Yoga Practice, we use the process of acknowledgement, followed by reflection.

This helps to promote self awareness, self understanding, and self knowledge to unveil the kleshas within our self and life and to begin to discover their deep seeded roots that cause our individual suffering, which in turn creates our collective suffering.

Abode Yoga as a practice and form is not limited to 1 style. We design each practice holistically for the individual needs of humanity, our earth and collective consciousness that we feel essential for a liberated life, free of suffering, whole in essence and home in the heart.

We creatively express and communicate this through drawing from various styles of yogic/conscious human movement including, not limited to:

Hatha - The general category that includes most styles of yoga. It is an ancient system that includes the practice of postures, breathing exercises which help bring peace to the mind, body, preparing the body for deeper spiritual practice. 

It is practice in the way that honours and balances our sun (masculine) & moon (feminine)

Vinyasa - Yoga movements that are synchronised with the breath in rhythmic flow, which allows for placement in a special way to attain something specific within the body & mind. 

Ashtanga - A set of postured based movements, sequenced together in a set order that forms a series that is then practiced as a stage for the development of specific things within the body and mind. Only moving on to the next series when ready. 

Iyengar - Where postural movements are held for longer periods of time to truly understand the alignments and the subtleties of each movement, using props to encourage safer and deeper exploration.

Kundalini - Whereby the breath and energy are the focus point as movement and we shape the physical body to allow this movement to happen . Its attention is on moving energy through the body using breath, meditation, kriya & mantra.

Yin - A slower stable pace of yoga where postures are held for a minimum of 5 minutes. It is a passive style of movement however the strength is in the application of moderate pressure to the connective tissue (tendons, fascia, and ligaments) with the aim of increasing circulation in the joints to improve flexibility.

This also deals with our unconscious energy within our mind and body.

Restorative - Gentle, relaxing and passive form of movement and breath to release the body and mind of stress and practice the art of letting go with a rested attitude and graceful approach.

Tantra - 5 tibetan rites along with other specific movements to improve the life vitality, energise and tune our whole being to be in tune with the life force through our own pranic (life force ) energy.

Our Sequencing Method

We believe in progression with balance sequencing & practice of Yoga Asana. Basically, we draw from the ancient yoga traditional texts and acknowledge the modern health science which has determined the “benefits of practicing particular asanas”.

Basically this means that we remain centered with the fact that the goal of asana is to maintain or restore health in body and mind, however, we do not see the form of each asana the goal or the end to itself.

This idea comes from the literal interpretation of ancient yoga, which describe the final form of an asana and the benefits they confer.

The ancient texts themselves hold their own concepts as to why do an asana, more specific to yoga, which is based upon Ayurveda (the sister science of Yoga)  such as prana, apana, nadis and kundalini.

Within abode yoga we have chosen to harmonise the relationship of these two realities when we sequence, practice and teach with the belief that each can be unhealthy to the individual at times, each are needed for the individual at different time in their life and it comes down to the understanding of where each fits that will best restore and maintain health in the mind and body for the individual.

In Abode  Yoga it is our feeling that it is the benefits that we derive from the movements and breathing are, therefore the final form of each asana is not the purpose of our practice.

This is why we chose a comprehensive approach to sequencing, practicing and teaching that is balanced, clear and flexible and aligns with the greatest needs of the individual and the collective.

We pay close attention to the condition of the person, the needs that the person is yet to attain or is aware that is required to help release the condition and or suffering they have within their body and mind which is affecting their life inwardly and outwardly by considering what movements they need to concentrate on. We continue this insightful hands on questioning to feel deeper into the resistances that maybe contributing to current imbalances or illnesses, not just simply injury.

The use and stage of breath development and the conscious connection to breath is considered, along with what the individual needs to do to best prepare to do the sequenced practiced and what they may need to do after to compliment the affects of the practice. 

Through this, we are also considerate to what the individual as done before the sequenced practiced, and what they are doing after.

We all posses the structural, functional and psychological qualities of health to varying degrees.

It is important that we are building and progressing through the attributes we lack within these 3 areas, thus the reason we give options of depth within each step of the sequence to allow the individual to practice for them through them, both sides (strengths & their weaknesses)

The Abode Yoga sequencing framework allows for conscious sequencing, which translates into a conscious teaching of yoga asana.

Using this framework as a sequencing guide, it is always encouraged to our practitioners and teachers that there are no full stops, yoga begins now and now and It always is and just is, therefore being mindful of whether this is evident throughout the sequence of asanas and where its presence is vital.  

Why? Because this is the power of yoga and how you share it within each moment of each step leads to a conscious yoga practice which is what abode yoga is, along with a conscious yoga teacher, which is an Abode  Yoga Teacher.   

The usual run of the course is we all enjoy breakfast on site together after morning asana practice (we usually make our own healthy muesli & have fresh fruit , yogurt, honey, cinnamon tea & coffee) . Then for lunch & dinner the students go out to eat at the near by cafes which there are many (also great for some separation during the process of the course. Of course we do have a kitchen and fridge if you'd prefer to prepare your own food that you purchased from the near by supermarket (which again we facilitate when ever you need to go). Bali is very cheap and depending on your food choices you could budget anywhere for 10$-30$ per day. For instance only 100m for our location there is a local warung serving meals for under 2$ (we eat there often).

 This is a private retreat home with 5 rooms amongst beautiful Berawa, 400m from the ocean, which has great surfing.

There is a beautiful pool that invites serene reflection by night and chilled poolside vibes by day.

We have a communal yoga space and all rooms provide a zen living feel mixed with nature. We have artesian cafes at our doorstep and fine dining a stone through away. 

 *Please communicate directly with us for efficient responses if you are sincerely interested in reserving your space to journey with us or we invite you to visit our website for more of a feel.

First Registered January 2017

Program Details

May 07 - May 31, 2024
Abode Yoga

Lead Trainer(s)

First Registered January 2017

School Reviews

Total Reviews: 11

By Christina Willems RYT® 200

Nov 29, 2021

By Simona Gabriele RYT® 200

Oct 30, 2019

All Reviews (11)

Teaching Staff

Abode Yoga

E-RYT® 200, YACEP®

Ananda Sky

E-RYT® 500, YACEP®

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