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August 31, 2020, 2pm ET
Join an in-depth exploration of the Physical and Prana Bodies. This workshop introduces many yogic techniques to strengthen and support these layers, as well as tips for protecting the first two body sheaths against the coronavirus.
Sherry Ryan (E-RYT 500, YACEP, LMT) is a founder and director of Yoga Vidhya, a yoga studio and alternative healing center in Ashaway, Rhode Island. As a student of Hatha, Kriya, and Kundalini yoga for 48+ years, Sherry facilitates classes and retreats throughout the world. She also has 35 years of experience in the study of Macrobiotics, Ayurveda, Kinesiology, and Traditional Five Element Theory. She currently leads Kriya Yoga Initiation in the US and loves traveling to esoteric foreign land for spiritual study.
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