
CE Workshop | Subtle Body Series: Bringing Life to the Wisdom Body, Mythology, Part 5

February 4, 2021

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About This Event

This series is all about empowering teachers to enter the subtle layers of the mind and wisdom body. Through theory and practice, yoga educators will build a strong bridge from asana to the upper limbs through Pranic awareness. Part 5 focuses on Mythology.

About the Presenter

Khushi Malhotra’s (E-RYT 200, YACEP, MSW, MPH) teaching style is rooted in classical hatha yoga and tantra, subtle body energetics, Vipassana and Ayurveda. She lives half of her time in the U.S. and the other half in India, where she serves as a guide in her mindful tourism venture, Simply Himalaya, which supports rural mindful education and takes people on pilgrimage to sacred sites and into deep connection with nature. She has taught workshops, trainings, and retreats worldwide to people from all walks of life. Khushi received her initiation at the Himalayan Institute from Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, advanced training in Vinyasa Krama under Srivatsa Ramaswami (in the lineage of T. Krishnamacharya) and is a Vipassana meditation practitioner in the tradition of S.N. Goenka and Sayagyi U Ba Khin. She is academically trained in Public Health and Social Work with a specialization in trauma. While doing her Master's at Temple University, Khushi started a nonprofit which brought meditation and yoga to those in drug and alcohol recovery, homeless shelters, and the prison system. On her website, you can find her podcast Atha Yogānuśāsanam, articles, videos, and eCourses. She is currently working on creating Ariya Yoga School, a teachers' training center that embraces both the teachings of Patanjali and the Buddha.

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