
CE Workshop | LGBTQIA+ Inclusivity: Holding Space for Other Communities

April 9, 2021

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About This Event

Yoga should offer space free of assumptions where all are welcomed. This workshop provides an open dialog about supporting the LGBTQIA+ community in yoga classes.

About the Presenter

Danni turned to yoga when there was nothing left. He had a rough childhood, and by the time he was 16 years old, he was living on his own. Turning to drugs and alcohol as vices, Dani succumbed to depression, suicide, and surrounded himself with anyone and anything to avoid confronting his reality of a life in decline. After he lost a partner and had a cancer scare, he continued to lean into self-destructive behavior. We all have our limits, and yoga found Danni when he needed it most. Yoga met Danni where he was, not judging but demanding attention. With consistent practice, Danni took multiple steps towards the path of becoming a teacher. Since then, he has studied and learned from the best, crediting Darren Main, Jason Crandell, Noah Maze, Rocky Heron, and Janet Stone in influencing his teaching and teaching style. Each class with Danni is intelligent, fun, functional, but most of all, authentic.

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