
CE Workshop | Experiential Anatomy of the Thoracic Spine

October 20, 2021

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About This Event

Presenter Erin Ehlers (E-RYT 500, YACEP) guides an anatomy and physiology lesson through movements and strengthening exercises. This experiential class includes techniques that will enhance your understanding of the thoracic spine, rib cage and shoulder blades, and will work wonderfully in your yoga classes as smaller pieces of bigger poses.

About the Presenter

Erin Ehlers has taught yoga and movement for nearly 20 years. With over 2,500 hours of professional training for yoga, movement, massage therapy, anatomy, and physiology, she has created a career with dedication. In addition to teaching yoga classes and training yoga teachers, Erin is certified as a Yoga Therapist and is also a Licensed Massage Therapist. There are many aspects of modern yoga, and she chooses the ones that heal and interrupt the worst habits of our sedentary culture. Erin teaches the detail of movement in a way that everyone can understand, striving to challenge, inform, and illuminate for her students. Additionally, though she has great interest in the traditions of yoga, Erin also delves passionately into the sciences of biomechanics and kinesiology to teach from a perspective that questions traditional asana practice.

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