
CE Workshop | Scientific Research on Yoga 101: How to Access and Select Relevant Research Articles

August 25, 2022, 1pm ET

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About This Workshop

Our Scientific Research on Yoga team has worked to make the most relevant and applicable published research available to you, both on our website and by showing you how to navigate larger public databases. Join our Director of Scientific Research, Dr. Sat Bir Singh Khalsa and host scientific research consultant, Steph Winsor, to learn how to access, find, and select relevant scientific research on yoga that best supports you and your teaching.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • How to access the Yoga Alliance yoga research citation pages
  • How to select relevant reprints on the Yoga Alliance yoga research citation pages
  • How to access yoga research publications on PubMed and Google Scholar

About the Presenter

Sat Bir Singh Khalsa, Ph.D., is an assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and Director of Yoga Research for Yoga Alliance. Dr. Khalsa has conducted scientific yoga research since 2001 on yoga for insomnia, stress, anxiety disorders, and workplace and school settings.

Dr. Khalsa is the Director of Yoga Research for Yoga Alliance and has conducted scientific yoga research since 2001 on yoga for insomnia, stress, anxiety disorders, and workplace and school settings.

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