
CE Workshop | How Yoga and Mindfulness Can Help Children Lower Anxiety and Boost Mood

February 15, 2023

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About This Event

Worldwide, 20.5% of youths are struggling with anxiety symptoms,* and yoga has the potential to help. Join us to learn how many of the skills we teach can help kids navigate the mind and body's response to stress. In this workshop, we explore ways kids can better understand their response to challenges, increase their ability to regulate emotions, and lower their anxiety while boosting their mood.

You will learn:

  • How to shift thinking about anxiety as a group of symptoms to how we survive a challenge
  • How to use Mindful MEDS (Movement, Exhale, Drink Water and Squat Spot) to lower stress and anxiety in children (these are skills that can help adults, too)
  • An accessible definition of mindfulness known as The Three C’s: Curious, Calm, and Connected To The Moment

*“About 11.6% of kids had anxiety in 2012, up 20% from 2007. But during the pandemic, those numbers nearly doubled, such that 20.5% of youth worldwide now struggle with anxiety symptoms'' (American Psychological Association, Oct 2022).

About the Presenter

Dr. Margaret Jessop, PsyD was introduced to yoga while attending UC Berkeley. It was a perfect counterpoint to her rigorous training with the rowing team. After finishing her undergraduate degree in psychology, she worked as a preschool teacher and, in hindsight, was facilitating savasana for a room of twelve 2-year-olds each day at nap time. She went back to school to study both developmental and clinical psychology and has been working as a psychologist with children ever since, with a specialization in anxiety and mood disorders. Margaret completed her 200 hour yoga teacher training during the pandemic and has been incorporating movement, mindfulness, and brain science in her clinical work and workshops for parents and children for the past eight years.

Margaret has also published two children’s books that integrate her psychological and yoga training. Hornets & Hippos: How to use Imagination, Mindfulness and Brain Science to Decrease Fear and Anger and Reach your Goals, a workbook for children 6-12, and Hornet and Hippo Count the Stars: Mindfulness-Based Stories and Activities to Calm Anxiety and Balance the Mind, which is a set of six stories and teaching content for families, schools and yoga classes for children ages 4-10. Her first picture book, where Hornet and Hippo embrace their natural curiosity and take off on a mushroom hunt, comes out this year.

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